Monday, July 22, 2013


Next stop was a village near Teotihuacan where we had a presentation on uses of cactus and obsidian in ancient and modern Mexico. We had some lunch that was super tasty, tried some booze that was made from cactus and then hopped on the bus to Teotihuacan.  We arrived at Teotihuacan and were advised to buy ponchos as it might rain in a bit.   So we did and it promptly pissed it down on us.   We went to the temple of the moon and climbed as far as you‘re allowed.  Pictures better describe this so check them out below (Check out knitted character for you Harry Hill nerds).  This site was occupied by the Aztecs but it was actually built by an earlier culture The Teotihuacans.  They occupied it from about 2000BC to 400BC, but had died out and moved on when the Aztecs rocked up to find a ready made city, with sacrificial stones and pyramids ready made, what more could you ask for. They named it Teotihuacan meaning City of Gods as they assumed it had been built by Gods. 

From the Temple of the moon we walked down the avenue of death, so named as it has lines of smaller pyramids on one of which every 20 days some one was sacrificed marking the calendar. It was later used as an area for the people to pay their taxes so kept its name! On the avenue there are many small stalls selling what can only really be described as tat, awesome tat!!!!!! We could only resist for so long until we caved and purchased an eagle whistle. What is an eagle whistle I here you say, well it is a whistle shaped like an eagle that when you blow through it sounds exactly like a eagle!!! It is now Stuffs most prise position, he has taken to wearing it round his neck and blowing it when least expected, has not got old yet but we’ll see. It took all of our combined will power to not buy a jaguar whistle, this we still regret! 

After ducking and diving the many kindly merchants desperate for us to buy more cheap tacky awesomeness we made it to the temple of the sun, and made for the summit. This was beautiful and the rain even stopped with a hint of sun on the descent. Very wearily, but triumphantly adorned with and eagle whistle we made our way to the meeting point for the coach to make our way home.

By Stuff and Things

Photos of a moody pyramid of the moon and KC up the pyramid of the moon showing the pyramid of the sun and avenue of death in the background.

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