When walking to the beach one day we saw a very small puppy playing in a driveway with another dog, I obviously had to stroke it, this lead to it following us. When we took it back to the house it came from we found out it wasn't theirs nor did she belong to any of the houses next door.
Clearly we could not now leave this puppy next to the road alone. It became clear after closer inspection she was not in the best state, covered in fleas and very very skinny. So we took her back to the hostel to asked what we could do. The guys at Cool Water Lodge have said they'll keep her although we feel they are being too kind and don't want her to be an imposition, so we're not sure yet. Possibly if my job goes though and I'm allowed pets at the staff accommodation I may hang on to her for a few weeks and find someone that really wants her when I move on.
There are a lot of stray dogs in Fiji and even the ones with owners are not really thought of the same way as we are used to. Its quite a shock to the system and makes you feel pretty protective over this little innocent thing. That being said we can only do our best for her then hope we choose a good home for her.
We popped into the vets this morning to see about an appointment and costs. They already had 4-5 puppies and more kittens that are free to a good home, its so sad!! If nothing I'd like to insure she'll be spayed as soon as she is of age.
It may be the case for our little one that any home is better than no home.
I think people here think we are very soppy and a little crazy to worry so much about one puppy but we can not help it, I think you'll agree once I post some photos!!!
By Things
Puppy Update
We took the puppy who we named Mango Chutney to the dog shelter to be re-homed. We just didn't think the hostel where we are staying was appropriate for her as she needs a lot of attention, she is now playing with lots of other puppies and will hopefully find a loving home soon. If anyone reading this lives in Fiji and is looking for a puppy please go to the Vets/dog and cat shelter on Queens road, Nadi (just before Wailoaloa road) and ask for Mango!!!!
awwww, cute puppy! Theo says do you guys want a skype date at some stage? We are now on the road, currently in Huanchaco, Peru. In this hostel for 6 days with good internet if you can find some and work out the time difference! xx