So we've been in Vancouver for a little over two weeks, but we have had little time to post and less internet so forgive our absence from the airways, I will now try to do some catching up.
So our lovely friend, SCUBA Goddess, Canadian, and knower of all things good, Rika made us an awesome suggestions list of things that should be done in Vancouver. this can be found on her awesome blog at
We have begun trying to tick of as much as we can fit in. So far we have done the following,
Walking through the crazies to China town.
Found Rikas favorite sushi bar, and eaten our weight in Sushi
We would recommend Sushi Bang, its very tasty and cheap but a little out of town near Cambie and Broardway.
Walked through Kits park to the Planetarium
We decided to head to the planetarium, but overshot it a little on the bus and had to walk down through Kits and the park. Its very pretty lots of posh cars. However we ended up not getting to the Planetarium till fairly late so decided we'd come back when we had more time. So we walked over Granville bridge and around English Bay.
Checked out the sea wall
From the Cambie Hostel we took several walks along the sea wall to watch the sea planes (sea planes are awesome!!!) and read the information boards they have. I know its sad but they're pretty interesting snippets of Canadian history, like about importing Camels and treating the Chinese badly. We also sat in Coal Harbor Park a few times in the sun.
Granville Island
We missioned over to Granville Island from Grouse Mountain. We have been getting very good with the public transport system this is helped by the fact its awesome, sea buses, electric bus/trollies and sky trains all link up with ease and you never seem to have to wait more than 15mins for anything. The Public Market is really really cool, its just full of yummy stuff from fruit and meat stalls to huge whole salmon. We had a good walk round before stopping for several beers in the sun overlooking the water. Lovely!!!
We are looking forward to trying to fit in more, particularly the Electric Owl and Wreck Beach. We have driven through Stanley park lots but will hang out there before we leave.
Thanks Rika
By Things
bless both your cotton socks, this is the cutest thing ever. i'm so glad you're enjoying it :) if anyone else wants to see "the list", it's here: